The Wild Times

Scandal. Blood. Fear. On Saturday fifth in the month of March, the long-lasting rivalry between the soccer teams of Queretaro vs Atlas had enacted violence. This soccer riot internationally terrorized many soccer fanatics.
Fanatics constantly fight over their preferred team, artist, or player so why is this so shocking you might ask. Well, this was not only between a small group of hardcore fans. During this game children and their parents were forced to take their shirts off in order to prevent getting beat. Not only were many beaten but many were also killed. We knew this as soon as we saw live videos. So tell me, why did the governor say a few hours after the riot that there were “surprisingly '' no deaths however 26 were injured and 4 in critical conditions (one of those injured even lost an eye). Obviously, the governor didn’t want to alarm people, however, this wouldn't have changed much, as cameras don’t lie. Later on, we found that 17 people had died and 45 were injured. Let that sink in, 17 people, were killed and 45 were injured because they went to a public event because they wanted to have fun. Before you say oh well it’s Mexico. Let’s not forget about the people who died at the Astroworld concert. But that’s not the topic at hand.
How did this happen? Well, let's start with the staffing. There was 600 staff for let's admit it, likely well over 34 thousand people. Meaning, that quick math class people, 34,000 divided by 600 equals around 57. One person is not enough to go against 57 people. But okay. Now the staff was higher. One of the staff opened the gate for the opposing teams to fight. They should’ve put their best staff on the game knowing that guess what, they had a similar incident with the same two teams in 2007. But that’s in the past we can’t revive the dead. Shocker.
What’s the government going to do? Well although they did take some time on imprisoning the people who were caught on camera the government has decided to reinforce protocols and security, side note, which is obviously much needed and they have rightfully decided to charge people with attempted homicide. Five officials were also suspended and 4 matches canceled, I know, unfair but much-needed people died.
But who cares what I have to say under are some pretty barbaric videos that are heartbreaking.
By: Valeria Chino
Image as seen on (STR)
Family time is equal to trauma now? When will times get better?

Why I choose to "Say Gay"

Photo As seen on: (OCTAVIO JONES)

Photo As seen on: The New York Post (Bloomberg)
In my opinion, as a part of the LGBTQ+ community, I look at this as discrimination towards any and all members of the LGBTQ+ community.. This is not right. It is so saddening that there are people in this world that try to change how other people live. Florida appears to be saying that children can’t express themselves.These types of bills won't make people ‘stop being homosexual’ who one does or does not feel attraction towards is none of the government’s responsibilty.. The audacity of the Florida governor to say, “So you actually look at the bill, and it says, ‘no sexual instruction in grades pre-K through 3.’ And so how many parents want their kindergartners to have transgenderism or something injected into classroom instruction?” Second of all, kids ages five to seven are not too young to start learning about these topics, as there are children those ages who have LGBTQ+ parents. What happens if one of these children mentions their two fathers and another child where to ask their teacher about it? If the teacher refuses to discuss this in their classroom, that child will feel that their question is unimportant. But, out of all grades available, why choose those? I do not understand what it is about saying the word “gay” or mentioning LGBTQ+ topics around people and why they can’t teach it in schools. For example why can’t the students say what their preferred pronouns are? Couldn’t we just settle this over something other than a bill that must be passed? What is so infuriating about the LGBTQ+ community to so many?
By: Victoria Hickman
Why is it that many people are not legally allowed to express their true selves and simply mention LGBTQ+ topics? Why does the word, specifically the word ‘gay’ as well as the popular definition and meaning behind it offend people? Why can't people have the right to say a word that represents their identity?
Recently, a bill was passed in Florida which read that primary students couldn’t speak of LGBTQ+ topics at school. Should anyone dare do this, there would be a phone call to the child’s parents, and the child would be suspended. Technically, this bill could be considered unconstitutional as it's a law keeping people from speaking about a topic. In the constitution it states that those in the United States have the freedom of speech to say anything they wish.
As proven in a quote from the United States’ First Amendment, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances''- U.S First Amendment . As mentioned previously, the ‘Dont Say Gay’ Bill is essentially a law that states that in the state of Floria, young children in primary school should not talk about or hear about certain topics, specifically topics surrounding sexual orientation and gender identity. One change this law has created is the legal consensus of teachers talking to parents about what a child speaks to them about, or what they may overhear from a student. This bill has added students talking about gender orientation and sexual orientation to the list of things teachers legally must report to the such as self harm, or being abused by another person. This is wrong as, in many situations, school is a time and place for people and students to be themselves and feel comfortable as the person they truly are, specifically because home isn’t always the same for people and some students might not be comfortable or ready to tell their parents about their sexual orientation or their gender identity. It may also be unsafe to do so for many. Despite my opinion, others may believe the bill is a blessing because they may not want their kids to be ‘exposed’ to anything like LGBTQ+ topics. “This bill says parents your right to raise your children does not end when they walk into a classroom. This bill recognises that parents are not the enemy,” Republican Senator Danny Burgess said, ahead of the 22-17 majority vote on Tuesday, . “The bill simply says that there should be an age limit on certain discussions, it’s not a new concept, nor is it radical.”- NBC News I have heard things such as this said before and it always confused me to why someone shouldn't be able to be themselves openly. Now it has become something illegal in the state of Florida.
By: Caitlin Guilliams