The Wild Times

High school Sports
How have our athletes been affected by COVID?

After students and staff were asked questions on their views of spring sports after returning from online/stay at home learning, this is what they had to say:
After 2 years, have you seen a difference in people playing sports in the spring? If so, what is that difference?
“Yes! They get better and better at it!”-Mia Kalargiros ;
“I don’t see a lot of difference in the people who play sports this spring. Personally, I think I have found a new appreciation for being able to play, and thankful for the chance to participate.”-Dennis Rossi
How do you think the spring sports have impacted students that do play a sport? Have they been impacted negatively or positively?
“Yes! They get more confident! Positively because they try harder at school.”-Mia Kalargiros;
“I think playing sports in general impacts the student-athlete in a positive way. I hope that they enjoy the experience of participating and develop friendships with people that have common interests. Learn skills that they can use in the future. Not just athletic skills, but the importance of teamwork, commitment, and hard work.”-Dennis Rossi
By: Victoria Hickman
Photo: Flor Sanchez